Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I must admit, Brooke makes a very good point. I think I was little overzealous in planning Kayleigh's Pre-K year. This week we have skipped out on the Math, Explode the Code, and the Sonlight K History stuff, and already there is attitude improvement from both of us! I am still having her read to me at least 10 minutes or so a day and going through the handwriting materials. Needless to say, my decision is not yet made and it probably won't be until next summer.

In thinking about next year there are several facts to consider:
  1. Right now the plan is for me to retire from childcare in June or so (or only have one extra--he turns 5 next Oct, plus he's gone by 1pm). This lightens up the load quite a bit in terms of number of kids and the freedom to do stuff during the week, like maybe get together with another homeschooling family for something educational/fun!
  2. William will be three, which, to me, is much easier than two!
  3. My mother-in-love is using us as a school project this semester, so I should be much more organized. We are working on the meals part right now and it's amazing how much having a plan eases the daily grind! Can't wait to get my closets in order (hint, hint).
  4. I might actually be able to go to Women's bible study during the week, which would also give Kayleigh and I some time apart.
  5. Kayleigh will be old enough to attend the children's thing at church on Wednesday nights, so she would have time with kids her age.
The intention has always been to send our children to school at some point before 6th grade, mainly because both of us truly enjoyed our public school experience and there are just some opportunities we could not give them by homeschooling, i.e. UIL sports, band, art classes, etc. So really the decision is not if, but when. Sorry to bore you with the goings on of my brain. I think better in writing.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Let me elaborate....

The homeschooling debate is still going on here in the Russell household. Well, it's mostly going on in my head right now! No, I am not reconsidering homeschooling based on the whim of a 4 year old; however, I am taking into consideration both our personalities and the dynamics of our relationship. We, and maybe it's just me, seem to have a better relationship when we aren't around each other 24/7 and I am totally okay with admitting this. I love my daughter, and I'm pretty sure she loves me, but sometimes we drive each other crazy! Plus, I have no doubts that she would love the social aspects of going to school.

For me, homeschooling is not a "called by God" thing, so whether or not I homeschool is not a matter of obedience. It's an alternative to public school and cheaper than private school, that's all. I have looked into Coram Deo Academy, which to me is the perfect blend of school and home education. But, after figuring out that 13 years there for both the kiddos would total more than $100,000, I just cannot justify the cost, especially since I have to continue working to pay for it. If we lived in an area with crappy schools, then maybe I could, but the reality is LISD is a great school district.

To make a long story short, I do not believe sending my children to public school would ruin their lives, nor do I believe it would mean I am bad parent for letting other people educate my children. My job is to instruct them in the ways of God and I can do that no matter where they go to school.