Saturday, September 18, 2004

The one thing I really miss about life before having Kayleigh is sleeping in on Saturday mornings. It's 6:30 am...I shouldn't be awake this early on a Saturday! There's a few other things I miss....spontaneous dates with Justin....being able to leave the house without worrying if there are enough diapers in the diaper bag....being able to go on weekend trips with just two bags. Yes, life before Kayleigh was much simpler! I wouldn't trade a moment though!

Justin and I have hit a milestone...we are ready to put Kayleigh in the nursery this Sunday!!! It will be nice to go to service and not have her there as a distraction. It's really hard to listen and pay attention when I'm trying to entertain or feed her. She went to the nursery during JOY this week and did great. She slept pretty much to whole time! And the big achievement....I didn't sit there thinking about her the whole time...I actually relaxed and enjoyed my time without her.

Well, I'm going to crawl back in bed, since Kayleigh is asleep again. Love to everyone!


Sammi and William said...

Little Miss Kayleigh is getting so big! I can't believe she rolled over already! She needs to roll on over to Austin and visit us again! We miss ya'll!


Caroline said...

um, your blog post hit a guilt spot w/ me. I was just thinking today that I would put Mahna in the nursery at church when she was about a month old. Eek... Am I a bad mother? :)

I wonder if in a couple months I will be thinking about "life before Mahna"... My baby is this week as old as yours was when i came to your baby shower.

Justin and Michelle said...


You aren't a bad mom! We were going to put her in the nursery sooner, but her feeding schedule wasn't co-operating with service times. Don't feel guilty!