Here's a letter to the editor of a local newspaper:
"A proposal by India's ruling party to ban the slaughter of cows is the best news I have heard for a long time ("If the cows could vote, this'd pass," Religion, Aug. 30). So what if the leather makers are worried. Does that make the slaughter of cows right?
All God's creatures are sacred. Christians are the worst culprits for spreading the untruth that God ordered animals be slaughtered for their flesh and hides. That instruction could never have come from a loving God.
When one begins to view all animals as sacred, one will begin to respect and protect animals. That is what Jesus meant when he spoke about compassion. "
Not that my opinions are important or even correct, but I had to say it so, here it goes:
Okay, so while God didn't tell Adam and Eve to go out and slaughter animals....He did give them dominion over them. And let's not forget the thousands (well probably millions) of animals that were sacrificed, by instruction from God, for the sins of Israel.
And here's a little thought....ya know what happens when we begin to view animals as sacred? We build golden calves!
Not that I'm not an animal little doggie Sheena is like a child to me (I actually let her kiss me on the lips!)....but animals do not have souls....they are creatures. While man is also a creature, he is made in the image of God and given a soul. God gave man dominion over all creation...Unfortunately because of sinfulness man has perverted the dominion and used it to glorify himself instead of God. Killing animals for no apparent reason was not in His plan, I believe. But come on folks....a cow is just a cow. And as much as I love Sheena, there are limits to how much I would spend to fix something wrong with her. What's more important....people or animals! What should we be worried about more...the slaughter of innocent cows or the slaughter of innocent people!
And I really don't think Jesus was that concerned with the animal kingdom. He came to save the race of men! His compassion is towards men and that is the compassion He has called us believers to imitate.
I truly apologize if I have offended anyone with the statements above. That was not my intention! I probably should stop reading editorials...they always get me going!