My children are so cute!
I was thinking....I used to have BIG THOUGHTS. I used to ponder those BIG QUESTIONS. I used to sing something besides Wiggles, Barney and Doodlebops. My children have taken over my mind. Now I have "mommy brain"! There are days I miss life before children. Adult conversation is limited now (well any conversation really...two year olds don't really have conversations). I get out of the house on Mondays and Sundays....sometimes if I'm lucky on Friday or Saturday night. I'm in bed before 10 pm most nights. I remember when my night was just beginning around then. I remember being able to sleep in if I was up late the night before. I remember being able to go somewhere without it taking 20 minutes to get loaded into the car. Not that I'm complaining. I love parenting my children and I wouldn't have anyone else do it for me. Still there are days when I wish for the freedom of pre-children days. Then I look at pictures such as the one above and realize how fast those two are growing. This parenting business will be over before I know it!