Don't really have anything to write about...nothing new and exciting on the home front. I'm not a great writer so I can't just write. I remember in school when they made us keep journals. We could write about anything we wanted to and I hated it! I need direction, which also means I am incredibly predictable and boring. Now I don't know if this is something I can change, but I sure would like to. Of course others might call me stable...that puts it in better light. I've become a fuddy-dud! I listen to talk radio for crying out loud. My parents listen to talk radio! Justin at least knows all the new songs and artist out there. I haven't a clue who is the latest and greatest. Not to mention my closet....I think my mom has moved in! Not that I don't like how my mom dresses...but she's my mom....I'm not supposed to own clothes that she would. Okay that's enough!
I went grocery shopping on Sunday and was needing some moisterizer for my face. Did you know that every single one has some anti-aging or anti-wrinkle stuff in it? I don't need anti-aging! I'm only 26! Honestly, I'm not the least bit worried about wrinkles at the moment. That may change in a couple years, but what is so bad about looking your age? Of course I'm going to look really old when I'm 40, because every other 40 year old will look 25. So, that's really all I had to write about!