Thursday, February 05, 2004

Well in less than a week Justin and I will get to see our baby!!! Well at least a picture of him/her. I'm so excited!

In other news, we have decided to use cloth diapers! They are so much cheaper in the long some studies say children in cloth diapers potty train earlier. So, I went ahead and developed a registry...mostly for myself, so I could see exactly what I needed! But I figure it will come in handy come shower time! The link is on my side bar in case any of you are interested in the world of cloth diapering. They have some pretty cool things out there. My sister-in-law, Charlotte, uses cloth exclusively and even makes her own diapers every now and then! What a cost savings! Anyways! Now that I've bored everyone talking about diapers, I'll go! Is this what I have to look forward to....being excited about diapers!?

Love to everyone!