My children are so cute!
I was thinking....I used to have BIG THOUGHTS. I used to ponder those BIG QUESTIONS. I used to sing something besides Wiggles, Barney and Doodlebops. My children have taken over my mind. Now I have "mommy brain"! There are days I miss life before children. Adult conversation is limited now (well any conversation really...two year olds don't really have conversations). I get out of the house on Mondays and Sundays....sometimes if I'm lucky on Friday or Saturday night. I'm in bed before 10 pm most nights. I remember when my night was just beginning around then. I remember being able to sleep in if I was up late the night before. I remember being able to go somewhere without it taking 20 minutes to get loaded into the car. Not that I'm complaining. I love parenting my children and I wouldn't have anyone else do it for me. Still there are days when I wish for the freedom of pre-children days. Then I look at pictures such as the one above and realize how fast those two are growing. This parenting business will be over before I know it!
I haven't seen William in so long, he is getting so big!! How precious!! See ya tonight!
I've got two teenagers in my house're right: Those parenting days go pretty quickly. That phrase, "The days are long but the years are short" is certainly true in my experience.
They are so cute and growing so fast! I love the new pictures!
It's a wholehearted job, isn't it? My gosh I can't believe how much it changes your whole being to be a momma. I would say 90% of the time its fun beyond wompare to old life, but then there is that 10% to push back outta yer mind. :)
kayleigh is stunning! i can't believe how william has grown, too.
come on please write again so u can get off Brent's probation list!!!!!!
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