Friday, March 05, 2004

A clip from an editorial:

Might I suggest to the Christians busy waving Bibles they never bother to study, if you are truly concerned about marriage as an institution, the most effective means of protecting it is by enacting and enforcing laws prohibiting divorce and punishing adultery. Until such time the chest beaters demonstrate their conviction by eliminating the most obvious dangers to the family, their protests will stink of hypocrisy.

While I'm not too pleased with the implications that Christians are a bunch of Bible- waving, chest-beating hypocrites, I have to say that I agree with this person on some level. Now don't take this to mean I think the implementation of gay-marriage would be a good thing. I do believe that allowing same-sex couples to be able to call their relationship a marriage will create many problems within society. But the truth is, marriage as an institution, created and given to man by God, has been under attack for many, many years. "Till death do us part" has lost it's meaning to many people. Personally, I know a lady who has been married NINE times; twice to the same guy! Each time she has pledges her love till she dies, and each time the relationship ends in divorce. For her marriage was just the thing you do when you fall in love with someone, and when you fall out of love the marriage ends.

For me, the best way to defend marriage as I believe it should be is to take the vows I made to Justin seriously and strive to fulfill them everyday. The best way for me to protect the future of marriage in this country is show my child(ren) what commitment looks like....what "till death do us part" really means. It's amazing how people look past what we say and focus completely on what we do!

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