Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ever have those days at work where you just want to say "to heck with it all" and give up? And, knowing where we ultimately end up, realizing that everything here really doesn't matter so why bother. But then coming full circle and realizing it would be really dumb because even though our time here is short, we're still here. And we still have to survive. And, in my case, provide for 3 others. Funny how as I get older (dare I say more mature) I recognize that, in the Divine scheme of things, people and relationships will be more valuable than making sure I have a comfortable retirement. Don't get me wrong, I believe it's wise to save and prepare for not being able to work or not wanting to work all the time, but really all I need is enough to pay the bills and maybe have some left over. That thought is refreshing.


Justin and Michelle said...

Sorry you had a bad day. Thank you for going to work for us; I am so grateful I have such a responsible/dependable husband.

Love you,

Brent said...

I have yet to see that "retirement" is a Biblical concept. Think more in terms of a vocational change where your previous employment provided the resources for you to do what you want! :)

In other words, use your gifts and talents to do what you enjoy for His Kingdom...whether you're paid or not. To heck with moving to Florida and going golfing... I hope you have a great plan for the vocational change that may take place in your 50's or 60's!

Justin and Michelle said...

Oh, make no mistake Brent. I don't ever plan to "retire". So I totally agree with you and in fact really like your wording: vocational change.

Florida-too expensive.

My mentality is to work until I die. Studies show that work makes men live longer and healthier, anyhow.

Anonymous said...

You don't even want to get me started about retirement, not after I have been researching and writing about the "Baby Boomers Redefining Retirement." I agree with Brent, there really isn't anything in the Bible about retiring, something about not working and not eating, but not about retirement. I plan to teach until the school district says I'm too old, and then I'll teach at the community college, but I don't plan on retiring.

Hang in there son, what you are experiencing is just part of life that takes you down the road in the greater scheme of things.