Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's official, my name is Michelle and I am a Ravelry addict!

Ravelry is like mySpace for knitters and crocheters, and it's AWESOME! I will probably now spend way too much time looking for new patterns to try out. My goal this next year it to learn to knit so I can have tons more patterns to choose from! Right now the site is still in beta form, so if you are interested in joining you have to get on their waiting list. I put my name on about a month ago and received my invite over the weekend, so it doesn't take long to become a member and it is so worth the wait!

I just finished a blanket for a new baby and am starting another for yet another new baby coming! Women I know need to stop having babies so I can work on the afghan I started for Kayleigh two years ago. I love having an excuse to try out a new pattern, so I really don't mind all the little ones on the way.

Kiddos are great! William is climbing on anything you can think of, including using the chairs to get on top of the breakfast room table. Kayleigh is amazing us with her ability to memorize just about anything Stars Wars related.


Alicia said...

Michelle - Thanks for the link! I've never heard of Revelry before. I'm always looking for online knitting communities with pattern ideas. I'm in the middle of my first sweater for the baby right now, and I'm surprised by how quick and easy it's been. I've only ever made shrugs, blankets, and scarves, so this is new territory. I'll go put my name on the waiting list.

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