Thought for the day
In Isaiah the LORD tells us that though we are stained by sin, He can make us white as snow. Even if we are stained as red as crimson, He can make us as white as wool. With these words I feel the LORD is challenging me to live and rest in His forgivness and grace. He has made me as white as snow....completely pure and clean. Not of my own purity, but of His son's.
I hear my LORD saying to me, "Trust in my grace, Michelle. Do not dwell upon your past because though you were stained with sin, as red as crimson, I have made you as white as snow. I have taken your sin from you and you are no longer a slave to it. Be free!"
Praise God for His provision of grace and mercy! Praise Him for His lovingkindess!
It is so important to remember God's forgivness for His children, so we may model it towards our own children. I know our children will make mistakes and they will hurt us from time to time. So, what reaction will we have? I pray that we may be like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son. Always loving, always forgiving....running to our children with open arms when they return!
It is also important that we remember God forgives us of the wrongs we will do to our children. I'm sure there will be times we are angry at them and we may even say things to hurt them. No one is perfect and instead of wallowing in our mistakes we can walk in forgiveness and humilty. Children need to be asked for forgiveness also....they need to hear the words, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me" when they have been wronged by their parent. I pray we are never too proud to seek forgiveness from our children.
Hope everyone is doing well! Love you!
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