Thursday, August 09, 2007

Whirlwind Summer (at least for me)

This has been quite a busy summer session for me. Week in San Deigo for work in May, week off the July 4th holiday in Austin and a trip to Sea World, and then I just got back Friday from a 7 day canoe/camping trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area that spans the Minnesota/Canada border. I'm done with vacation until May of next year when hopefully Michelle and I will go on a cruise with our friends The Rutschmans.

Re: Canoe Trip - Talk about gorgeous country. We made base camp on an island in the middle of a lake, and then took a couple day trips to other lakes nearby. Fishing every day, catching 3-4 without a lot of effort. Paddling out 150 yards from shore to get water straight out of the lake; it's that clean. Swimming in shoulder deep water and still being able to see my feet. Watching the bald eagle's eat the fish guts we left on the opposite shore. Overall just enjoy the majesty of this created world. I really have a hard time believing all of this is a great cosmic chance, and places like the BWCA just reinforce that.

The trip was exhausting but wonderful. The last day was very eventful. Let's just say high winds and novice canoeists equal involuntary swims: three times. It's a better story in person, though. I'll hope to go again next year if Michelle let's me (while I was gallavanting in the wilderness she was a single mom for one and a half weeks).

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