Thursday, June 12, 2008

This could have been worded better:

From this article in the Dallas Morning News

"Texas has made less headway in reducing teen births than the nation as a whole, according to data in the Annie E. Casey Foundation's annual Kids Count report to be released today."

Don't you need to prevent the pregnancy before you can prevent the birth?


Brenda said...

I agree! We've talked about how the sex education program is lacking. I plan to do everything I can to change the program from Abstinence-only, to Abstinence-plus. Really, the only sure way to prevent pregnancies and STI's is to abstain from sex. But, you and I know that our kids do not live in a bubble and are exposed everyday when they turn on the TV, radio, video games and so much more.

Have you considered editorial writing? Just a thought!

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

no duh!!!!!
And here in Europe - oh my gosh! Sex is considered normal at 13!
So sad. And... if you aren't having sex - you are considered abnormal.