Thursday, February 26, 2009

What I've been up to....well, besides running after kids and reading books for class....

  • Rearranging the living room, which now functions as the playroom; the playroom is now only used for school purposes. This ensures all the kids are in one room, making it much easier on me to interact with/keep an eye on them!
  • Getting all the tax info for my business together...yuck! I think I need to change my system.
  • Jumping for joy because Coram Deo is now offering an "At Home" option for $1200 a year as opposed to $4000 a year to go to campus 2 days a week! This is an answer to prayer! I was wavering back and forth on the homeschool decision; not really wanting to send Kayleigh off to kindergarten, but feeling like I/we really couldn't homeschool. (I am not a curriculum planner, don't like it, not one bit) Well, I will gladly pay $1200 a year for curriculum, schedules, records, accountability and assistance offered by Coram Deo, at least through elementary. They only offer grades 1-8 at home, so we'll have to wait until next year to try it, but I'm optimistic!
  • Attending a Pure Romance party--look it up---interesting!
  • Starting William on the potty-training journey, woo hoo! Here's to a diaper free house by August! So far, he has actually done #2 at least five times on the potty, score!
  • Cleaning off the picnic table outside, instead of buying a activity table for schooling.
  • Making plans to attend the Homeschool Book Fair in Arlington for the first time!
  • Realizing I don't spend near enough time dreaming with my hubby.
  • Planning a vacation to who knows where---something tropical maybe?
  • Getting excited about maybe, just maybe participating in MOPS or JOY(if it's still called that) next year, even if I have five kiddos in tow!

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