Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Blog Musings and Big Decisions

I'm taking an Internet Marketing course this semester and one of the key components of successful sites is regular updating; apparently I'm not too concerned with this blog having success!

It is difficult to write in a public forum, especially we you must look your readers in the eye at some point. You either must be painfully honest to their face, or keep your mouth shut online! There are many things I would love to write about, but putting them out there for the world to see just isn't something I can, nor want to do. So then, I must ask myself what do I want to accomplish with this blog:

Is it mainly a place to keep family and friends updated?
Is it a place to record my thoughts and reactions to certain events?
Is it a place for creative writing?

You get my drift. Guess it could be a combination of those. Anyways...this really wasn't what I was going to post about, it just popped into my brain.

Here's what I really wanted to post about:

We are officially homeschooling next year! While this year has been a little easier with Kayleigh at school all day, I am incredibly excited about having her home come June! This is not an indictment on the schools here, nor is it a reflection on the quality of education my children would receive from them. I firmly believe one gets as much as one puts in, and even if the system is flawed, a solid education is possible within the public school system. Furthermore, I am quite grateful that many children are getting more of education than possible if public schooling did not exist.

So why am I choosing to homeschool then? My decision, which Justin fully supports though he may not agree wholeheartedly, has to do more with the environment the education takes place in. This may seem trivial, but Kayleigh is still struggling with waking up in the morning and I would love to be able to allow her to sleep until her body tells her to awake. I think my main drive to homeschool is to teach through the lens of God's Word. Not that this can only be accomplished by homeschooling; I know many parents of children in public schools that do and have done an amazing job teaching their children to think biblically. For our family I think homeschooling is the best way, at least right now and most likely through middle school depending, of course, on the kids. Lastly, there are little things that will be nice: taking a day off when the weather is beautiful or when it snows 12 inches; ability to take vacations during non-peak times (cheaper); time for some major character training (me and the kids).

I have more, but Justin is home from his work-out and needs my attention :)

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